Life Looks Like- Week 32

Monday I left home to start the work week but not before a kiss goodbye… which landed the tips of half my hair in Dan’s freshly brewed coconut coffee. #awesome (hair still smelled like coffee on Tuesday because apparently even that won’t get me to wash my hair more often)

When I got home from work I edited Episode 50 of the podcast and pushed that live.  I can’t believe I’ve gotten through 50 episodes already. Time flies when you’re having fun, right?

When I finished that up, I hopped on a Virtual Knit Night (VKN) with friends! I knit a little but also used the time to cut up coupons to give out at Stitches Midwest! [ I can’t wait to meet new people & give out goodies!] Busy week, gotta multitask.Coupons!

On Tuesday I commuted to work with Dan because his truck is in the shop. I knew after taking a longer train ride home I’d ruin my mojo to get out and run so I brought my gear to work and took advantage of a beautiful summer afternoon in Boston and ran along the Charles River.
0160e5137357a54d5b97f82dd063dac40c23a71308Running in BostonI was a little worried after not having run for a few days, but as it turns out, I had my best run yet! I didn’t realize until I got out there that the program for that day was a 5 minute warm up, 22 minutes running and a 5 minute cool down. Before that, the longest run in the c25k program was 20 minutes and I tried a few times but wasn’t able to complete that without quick (30-60 second) pause to walk. This time I ran the whole way! I was a bit tired by the end, but I did it!

c25k Week 7

I’m still short on mileage for where the program says I should be, but I’m not focusing on that for now! #babysteps! Overall it was a miserable workout week. I WILL get back on track next week!

Made the most of that longer train ride to get some gift knitting progress in!Train knitting

I ate a lot of salads and am enjoying using a new planner to plan out blog posts, podcast episodes etc. While bullet journaling works great for my personal to-do list, managing a lot of creative content has me on overload and I can’t keep it all straight. I’m still experimenting with this new approach and will let you know more about that soon!

Lunch + PlanningWednesday night I got stuck at work late, but got to Knit Night to enjoy the evening with friends.

Thursday night I got home from work late and packed up my stuff for Stitches Midwest! Then I failed to follow my own advice and Dan and I proceeded to stay up until after 11p watching Season 4 of The Killing. We did exercise a small bit of self control and stopped right before the last episode so we could function as some semblance of humans on Friday.

Friday morning I got on a flight to Chicago to meet up with friends at Stitches Midwest.

Chicago Bound- Bring me to Stitches Midwest!I’m going to share all of the glorious details about Stitches Midwest in a series of upcoming posts so stay tuned this week to hear more about my fibery fun in the midwest!

Hope you had a great week too!



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