Happiness Project

What is a Happiness Project?

The Happiness Project is a concept, an idea, an experiment, a movement by the talented writer Gretchen Rubin. She spent a year focusing on one thing each month as a way to become more happy. To appreciate her admittedly already-great life even more. She wrote a book about the experiment which I read after listening to the Happier Podcast Gretchen hosts with her sister Liz Craft.

I’ve gained so much from Gretchen’s wisdom, especially from her Better than Before book, that embarking on a Happiness Project seemed the next logical step, so as 2017 approached, I knew this was just the thing for me. I decided on my 12 months and jumped in with two feet.

From this page you’ll find links to the details of each month. Feel free to explore and learn along with me!

January | Minimalism

project-life project-life(1)

February | Memory Keeping
